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  • Writer's pictureJACOB GONZALEZ


As of this moment I plan to obtain a doctorate in psychology. Someday i hope to become a psychiatrist. I plan to pursue this path because helping others is something I've always liked to do. I had originally planned to help others through engineering but quickly learned that I possessed a greater means of doing so when utilizing psychology.

Ivan Pavlov was a Russian physiologist who is recognized as the father of conditioning. He graduated from the University of St. Petersburg where he studied physiology and chemistry. Later continued his education at the Military Medical Academy, where he earned his medical degree. I was unable to find whether he had to fill any requirements before getting his job. In five words Pavlov was: groundbreaking, educated, driven, experimental, and dedicated. I chose Ivan Pavlov as his work in the field of conditioning fascinates me and he influenced the field of psychology immensely.

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